How to use Amazon Product Scraper

Use this Amazon scraper to collect data based on URL and country from the Amazon website. Extract product information without using the Amazon API, including reviews, prices, descriptions, and Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs). Download data in various structured formats.

What is Amazon Product Scraper and how does it work?

Amazon Product Scraper is a web scraping tool that enables you to extract product data from Amazon by using Amazon’s subcategory URLs or product URLs.

For example, this is an Amazon URL for the Computer Monitors subcategory:

Amazon subcategories typically have /s in the URL after the Amazon domain, so make sure your URL looks something like the example above.

So just add one or more Amazon URLs in the input field and select the maximum number of items you want to scrape. Then download the data from the output schema. You can even get this data via API without having to log in to the Apify platform.

Why scrape Amazon products?

Scraping Amazon products can help you to:

➡️ Monitor the performance of categories and subcategories on Amazon so you can put the performance of your products into context.

➡️ Discover up-and-coming brands and products to benchmark your performance within its category based on views, conversions, and reviews.

➡️ Fine-tune your advertising and messaging.

➡️ Use Amazon data to give you an edge in competitive intelligence.

How many results can you scrape with Amazon Product Scraper?

Amazon Product Scraper can return over 100 000 results on average. However, you have to keep in mind that scraping has many variables to it and may cause the results to fluctuate case by case. There’s no one-size-fits-all-use-cases number. The maximum number of results may vary depending on the complexity of the input, location, and other factors. Some of the most frequent cases are:

  • website gives a different number of results depending on the type/value of the input
  • website has an internal limit that no scraper can cross
  • scraper has a limit that we are working on improving

Therefore, while we regularly run Actor tests to keep the benchmarks in check, the results may also fluctuate without our knowing. The best way to know for sure for your particular use case is to do a test run yourself.

How much will scraping Amazon Products cost you?

When it comes to scraping, it can be challenging to estimate the resources needed to extract data as use cases may vary significantly. That’s why the best course of action is to run a test scrape with a small sample of input data and limited output. You’ll get your price per scrape, which you’ll then multiply by the number of scrapes you intend to do.

Watch this video for a few helpful tips. And don’t forget that choosing a higher plan will save you money in the long run.

7 pages Amazon limitation

Amazon sometimes restricts search terms to a maximum of 7 pages, please validate the number of pages in the URL. To overcome this limit, try to use one of the regular categories and combine it with the search terms. E.g. instead of just searching for Diamond rings, find Jewelry or Women's rings category and combine them with the search term.

It is legal to scrape publicly available data such as product descriptions, prices, or ratings. Read our blog post on the legality of web scraping to learn more.

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